This session serves to reconnect you to the essential, to help you find or gain your strength back as well as the power and abnegation needed for your upcoming assignment. It will allow you to gain hindsight and perspective towards some events in the past which can still sometimes hinder action. It will also help you reconsider whatever can slow down your action or your thoughts : such as fears or doubts which could become real parasites to the mission you are facing.
The hypnosis that you are going to have during this session does not require any prior training. Only your capacity to fully feel part of the fictitious set / following sets will allow you to benefit fully from all the ressources / your entire potential.
In beginning Gladiator, you will accept to dive into a universe where your imagination has never thought good to take you. Thereafter, you will activate ressources and capacities until then unknown.
“Only once in the arena can one recognize a true fighter !''