Inner Negotiation +

24 mn

This Hypnos session is an inner negotiation between a part of you that has been engaged in disturbing and inappropriate behavior and another part of you that is ready to change the way you operate.

For example: A part of you tends to react quickly to stress (mental static, anxiety, insomnia, etc.) while you would like to be calmer. This session will help you change this type of unpleasant behavior.

It is recommended for many different problems (quitting smoking, self-confidence, anger, fears, insomnia, etc.) and is widely used in therapeutic hypnosis.

Note 1: Using your arms and hands in this session allows your mind to depict these two different parts of you. One hand represents the part that has maintained troublesome behavior and the other represents the part that will offer another solution. Their coming together symbolizes a negotiation between these two parts.

Note 2: Be sure to remain in a dynamic position.  

Discover the other sessions Get to know me

Self-confidenceChange your perspective on yourself

16 mn

My cogitoFree your thoughts

9 min

RelaxLet the suggestions brew in you

10 min

Inner NegotiationFor inner peace

15 mn

Everywhere at onceLet yourself be transported

9 mn

Head to the starsThey'll guide you on an interstellar journey

9 mn

AmazoniaMeet your inner shaman

9 mn

TempleA few moments of contemplation


UnderwaterSet sail


MeditateFloat for a few moments


ArcticCool off for a few moments


CountrysideTake a stroll


Summer rainListen for a few moments


To the beachEnjoy a few moments


Somewhere elseThink for a few moments


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