Sleep Coaching


Fall asleep faster – Get quality sleep – Reduce nighttime awakenings


The advice of this Hypnos coaching is intended for people who wish to improve the quality of their sleep and the speed of falling asleep. The sessions, advices and techniques that are offered to you will therefore have the objective: sleep (improve your sleep, manage insomnia, nighttime awakenings, regain confidence in your sleep capacities, …).

The objective of this coaching is to offer you an effective method of using the sessions to achieve your sleep goals. Many people who have completed this coaching in its entirety and with rigor (respecting the stages and the frequency) have either reduced their time to fall asleep or improve the quality of their sleep. A large number of people have found these same results by adapting the schedule to their timetable. It is however advisable to respect it as much as possible to achieve your goal.

This support program was developed by hypnotherapists who are specialists in sleep. It was designed to help you sleep better, not to respond to health problems of any kind. If you have a sleep disorder that requires expert advice, see your doctor.


  • How to use this coaching?

In the table below, you will find a schedule for listening to daily sessions to be performed and practical exercises day by day. You are free to adapt this schedule to your own needs, however, it has already enabled a large number of Hypnos users to improve their speed of falling asleep, reduce nighttime awakenings and improve sleep quality.


  • What to do when I have finished my coaching?

The days of this coaching have been designed to gradually bring you towards the achievement of your goal but also to make you discover all the sessions and techniques that you can use daily. At the end of the proposed days, you can therefore resume the sessions or whole days that have been most beneficial to you while keeping a regularity in the frequency with which you do them. Continue until you completely reach your goal.


  • What if I have questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us at any time at, we can give you our advice.

Hypnos Session

With your mask (charged), your earphones (headphones) and your Hypnos application, find a quiet place. Download today’s session (s) and go!

Carefully read the presentation of the session in your application.

Each session has been designed to allow you to reach the desired goal in minimum time. Depending on the person or the time, the immediate results may be more or less important. Remember that the important thing is not perfection but improvement and that only training will allow you to achieve 100% of your goals.

Nap Hypnos

Find a quiet place, with your mask (charged), start a nap or a moment of rest for 10, 20 or 30 minutes. The goal is not to fall asleep but to rest.

/ Alternative if you cannot use the mask

“I am not sleeping, I am watching!”

At the first signs of digestion, take a moment to rest wherever you are. Discreetly, without changing your position or your location too much, close your eyes if you can and count around 5 seconds of inhalation and 5 seconds of exhalation for 5 minutes.

My Schedule


The more care you take in performing these exercises, the faster you will get the desired results.

Find all the stages of your coaching day by day (Click on your day to go there directly 😉

D1   D2   D3   D4   D5   D6   D7

My Schedule

The more care you take in performing these exercises, the faster you will get the desired results.

Find all the stages of your coaching day by day (Click on your day to go there directly 😉

D1   D2   D3   

D4   D5   D6  





Day 1


Goal setting

Determine your goal to increase your motivation


Breathe Sleep (7mn)

This short session allows you to learn and automate a very simple and extremely effective sleep sequence.​


Relaxation (21mn)

Give yourself a moment of relaxation in awareness. This session is ideal for physical and mental relaxation and allows you to start this coaching with a better understanding of your body.


Jour 1


Goal setting

Determine your goal to increase your motivation


Breathe Sleep (7mn)

This short session allows you to learn and automate a very simple and extremely effective sleep sequence.​


Relaxation (21mn)

Give yourself a moment of relaxation in awareness. This session is ideal for physical and mental relaxation and allows you to start this coaching with a better understanding of your body.

Day 2


Stress 6br/mn (11mn)

Evacuate stress, stray thoughts and put yourself in a state conducive to a great day.

(Depending on your preferences you can adapt the breathing rate. 5 br/min = Slower – 7 br/min = Faster)


Nap-Rest (10-30mn)

Find a quiet place, with your mask (charged), start a nap or a moment of rest for 10, 20 or 30 minutes. The goal is not to fall asleep but to rest.



Sleep Chp1 (12mn)

In order to work in depth on your relationship to sleep and prepare for your night this first chapter of the sleep trilogy transforms your relationship to sleep.


Jour 2


Stress 6br/mn (11mn)

Evacuate stress, stray thoughts and put yourself in a state conducive to a great day.

(Depending on your preferences you can adapt the breathing rate. 5 br/min = Slower – 7 br/min = Faster)


Nap-Rest (10-30mn)

Find a quiet place, with your mask (charged), start a nap or a moment of rest for 10, 20 or 30 minutes. The goal is not to fall asleep but to rest.



Sleep Chp1 (12mn)

In order to work in depth on your relationship to sleep and prepare for your night this first chapter of the sleep trilogy transforms your relationship to sleep.


Day 3


Relaxation (21mn)

Give yourself a moment of relaxation in awareness. This session is ideal for physical and mental relaxation and allows you to continue this coaching with a good understanding of your body. 


Candle technique

 Work on breath control


Sleep Chp1,2,3 (32mn)

Activate Playlist Mode for a unique experience by living the chapters of the Sleep trilogy. Each chapter uses different techniques to deepen the work you have started.

Jour 3


Relaxation (21mn)

Give yourself a moment of relaxation in awareness. This session is ideal for physical and mental relaxation and allows you to continue this coaching with a good understanding of your body.


Candle technique

 Work on breath control


Sleep Chp1,2,3 (32mn)

Activate Playlist Mode for a unique experience by living the chapters of the Sleep trilogy. Each chapter uses different techniques to deepen the work you have started.


Day 4


Breathe awakening (6mn)

Start the day with peace of mind by refueling with good energy. This session teaches you how to wake up on the right foot.



The wave – Stress (9mn)

Teach your mind to get rid of excess stress in minutes with an innovative and very effective technique.



TicTac Technique

Play with time

Jour 4


Breathe Awakening (6mn)

Start the day with peace of mind by refueling with good energy. This session teaches you how to wake up on the right foot.



The wave – Stress (9mn)

Teach your mind to get rid of excess stress in minutes with an innovative and very effective technique.



TicTac Technique

Play with time

Day 5


Stress 6br/mn (11mn)

Evacuate stress, stray thoughts and put yourself in a state conducive to a great day.

(Depending on your preferences you can adapt the breathing rate. 5 br/min = Slower – 7 br/min = Faster)


Candle technique

 Work on breath control


Breathe Sleep (7mn)

This short session allows you to learn and automate a very simple and extremely effective sleep sequence.​

Day 5


Stress 6br/mn (11mn)

Evacuate stress, stray thoughts and put yourself in a state conducive to a great day.

(Depending on your preferences you can adapt the breathing rate. 5 br/min = Slower – 7 br/min = Faster)


Candle technique

 Work on breath control


Breathe Sleep (7mn)

This short session allows you to learn and automate a very simple and extremely effective sleep sequence.​

Day 6


Breathe awakening (6mn)

Start the day with peace of mind by refueling with good energy. This session teaches you how to wake up on the right foot.



Nap-Rest (10-30mn)

Find a quiet place, with your mask (charged), start a nap or a moment of rest for 10, 20 or 30 minutes. The goal is not to fall asleep but to rest.



Sleep Chp1,2,3 (32mn)

Activate Playlist Mode for a unique experience by living the chapters of the Sleep trilogy. Each chapter uses different techniques to deepen the work you have started.


Day 6


Breathe awakening (6mn)

Start the day with peace of mind by refueling with good energy. This session teaches you how to wake up on the right foot.



Nap-Rest (10-30mn)

Find a quiet place, with your mask (charged), start a nap or a moment of rest for 10, 20 or 30 minutes. The goal is not to fall asleep but to rest.



Sleep Chp1,2,3 (32mn)

Activate Playlist Mode for a unique experience by living the chapters of the Sleep trilogy. Each chapter uses different techniques to deepen the work you have started.


Day 7


Underwater (10mn)

Take advantage of the Marine sphere for a few minutes (you can choose another one). The goal is to relax by letting your thoughts go here and there. Put a timer on 10 minutes, this session is unlimited 😉



Sleep 6br/mn (10mn)

Learn a new sleep routine by chasing out stray thoughts and putting yourself in a state of sleep.

(Depending on your preferences you can adapt the breathing rate – 5 br/min = Slower – 7 br/min = Faster)


TicTac Technique

Play with time

Day 7


Underwater (10mn)

Take advantage of the Marine sphere for a few minutes (you can choose another one). The goal is to relax by letting your thoughts go here and there. Put a timer on 10 minutes, this session is unlimited 😉




Sleep 6br/mn (10mn)

Learn a new sleep routine by chasing out stray thoughts and putting yourself in a state of sleep.

(Depending on your preferences you can adapt the breathing rate – 5 br/min = Slower – 7 br/min = Faster)


TicTac Technique

Play with time

The techniques

Find here all the techniques of your coaching.

Goal setting

Ask yourself the right questions in 6 steps to start this coaching with clear ideas and all the energy necessary to achieve it. Do not hesitate to respond in writing, asking your ideas makes them more real.

Step 01

Define your goal positively, in less than 10 words.

ex. I want to fall asleep faster

Step 02

You reach your goal! What does this allow you on a daily basis?

ex. No more rest. More energy

Step 03

Why is this important to you? Are you sure you really want it?

ex. It is vital!

Step 04

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in 1 week with your goal achieved. What do you feel? How do you see yourself?

ex. I feel better. I have a lot more self-confidence.

Step 05

What qualities did you develop with the achievement of this objective?

ex. More empathy. Be more available.

Step 06

It’s your turn !

If you can dream it, you can do it! Walt disney

Back to  D1

Candle Technique


Breathing is fundamental in the different physical rhythms. In meditation, it is also the backbone of many techniques.
Directing and raising awareness allows you to focus your attention and thus bring a little more control to the apprentice sleeper.


In Practice

When you go to bed or in the middle of the afternoon, sit in a comfortable position.

Imagine a candle a few inches from your face. With the intention of not moving the flame of this candle, breathe in and out (30 to 60 cycles) through your nose very slowly. The movements of your body linked to your breathing must be more and more fine.

By counting the breathing cycles (1. breathe in / out, 2. breathe in / out, 3. breathe in / out, etc.).

The more careful and diligent you are, the more measurable the effects of this exercise. Try to go as far as possible before you fall asleep.
If you don’t fall asleep right away, watch for any changes in your mind and body.

Back to  D3  D5

TicTac Technique


We all have an internal clock that adjusts and calibrates from the day of our birth. However, not all hours or minutes are the same. We all could feel that time seemed to get longer during a boring moment and that on the contrary it seemed to accelerate when we were having fun.

Our internal states, our feelings are therefore very linked to our representation of time and influence very easily. The reverse is also true! Playing with its representation of time can have a very significant impact on our feelings.

Below, we will use this mechanism to influence our feelings.


In pratice

Once lying in the dark, eyes closed, view a clock.
Observe the hands of this clock, including the seconds hand. Imagine then that the needles start to slow down and that they slow down more and more.
Pay attention to the rhythms of the body which slow down according to the rhythm of the clock.

The more the second hand slows down, the more the body prepares to sleep and understands the message sent to it.
Set that when the needles stop completely, you fall asleep.

(Falling asleep will not necessarily be immediate the first time you perform this exercise. It’s repetition that creates the power of this tool.)

By repeating this exercise, you measure how well you are progressing.

Back to  D4  D7