The wave – snacking

9 mn

Inspired by the work of NLP* co-creator Richard Bandler, ‘The Wave’ is a series of sessions that helps liberate users from toxic behaviors. It allows you to quickly overcome cravings.

During this session, you’ll use vibrations to reprogram your needs and desires. A series of three vibrations flowing through your entire body like waves will help your subconscious create the right mental conditions to achieve your goals. While it can’t replace therapy, this session does offer genuine relief and impressive results.

Repeating this session will allow you to deeply ground the process within you and make it automatic. We recommend doing it as often as possible when you feel the temptation to snack or overeat.

To make things easier, you can also skip the introduction to access the vibration work directly (about 4 min). 

*NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Discover the other sessions Losing weight

The craving will passNeed a boost?

11 min

I already feel betterNeed a boost?

5 min

I had a relapse; so what?Need a boost?

15 min

I order you to eat!Need a boost?

5 min

The weight of wordsLet the suggestions of relaxation infuse in you

10 min

Get your balance backLet the suggestions for liberation infuse you

10 min

Believe in yourself!Reinforce your beliefs at any time

15 min

MealtimeYou're the chef

8 min

Mental snackingGo ahead, it's allowed!

3 min

Lose weightGet rid of old thought patterns

16 mn

AnorexiaRegain healthy self-image

16 mn

My triggersUse your emotions to control your sensations

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My Weight goalDetermine your goal in 6 steps

18 min

What do you believe?Identify which of your beliefs limit you, and which ones empower you

5 min

Now do you believe it?Change and replace the thoughts that were limiting you and strengthen those that will carry you.

15 min

Phoenix HealthBoost your immune system

21 mn

Inner Negotiation +Reconcile the different parts of yourself

24 mn

Inner NegotiationFor inner peace

15 mn

Everywhere at onceLet yourself be transported

9 mn

Head to the starsThey'll guide you on an interstellar journey

9 mn

AmazoniaMeet your inner shaman

9 mn

TempleA few moments of contemplation


UnderwaterSet sail


MeditateFloat for a few moments


ArcticCool off for a few moments


CountrysideTake a stroll


Summer rainListen for a few moments


To the beachEnjoy a few moments


Somewhere elseThink for a few moments


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